I love to go to the mall and go shopping. I grew up as a mall brat and my daughter is definitely a mall brat now. Our favorite thing to do is go to the mall and cash in on the deals and free stuff. We usually find all types of great finds to excite us.
Fiddledeedee's Blog gave me the idea to write this. Sarah has a post every Tuesday that discusses a favorite thing. Well, I got thinking about it and I couldn't come up with one store that was my favorite. So, I put together this list of a few of my favorite stores with ways to save money this week. Let me know what you think.
Bath and Body Works has a great coupon circulating for a free pair of the "sweetest, softest, socks on Earth" when you make a $15 purchase. The coupon expires September 2, 2008. I have been wanting a pair of these for my upcoming hospital visit, when our newest princess makes her debut. There is also a printable coupon for a free 2oz Signature Body Lotion with any purchase. I usually pair this up with another small purchase like a gift bag or travel size item. This coupon expires August 27, 2008. They also have a new scent, Black Amethyst. Has anyone tried it, yet?
Wet Seal has a coupon in the September issue of Seventeen on page 18. They are giving away a free ribbed tank top to the first 10,000 people. When we did this with the coupon from the August issue, we did not have any problems getting a tank top.
Victoria Secret is giving away the new scent, Secret Garden Berry Kiss with any $15 beauty purchase. This coupon expires August 24, 2008. Cosmo Girl has a coupon inside for a free Pink Makeup Bag with any Pink purchase. This coupon expires August 31, 2008. Each store is also giving away free limited edition Pink totes with any Pink purchase.
Yankee Candle is giving away a free room spray when you purchase a 22oz Housewarmer Jar Candles. This coupon expires August 24, 2008. It can also be used online. They have a haunting Halloween collection available.
Build a Bear is getting into the back to school spirit. This weekend, August 16th and 17th, they are giving away a free messenger bag with any $15 purchase. They are also giving away free stuff till September 1. No purchase is necessary. Rumor has it, the items are things like bear hair ribbons and bows and cardboard wardrobes for animal clothes.
These specials are a great way to get a start with holiday shopping. Many of these items could make great stocking stuffers or gift bag items. Check out this Sunday's Feature, Planning for the Holidays, when we will talk working towards a stress free holiday.
Does your blog have any mall deals? What have you found while back to school shopping? Leave a link or a comment and let us all know about it.

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