Do you know someone who would like a free bouquet of flowers? How about decorating your table or night stand with something pretty? This is a perfect way to Pay It Forward.
FTD Florists are giving away free bouquets of flowers on September 3, 2008 to celebrate Good Neighbor Day. All you have to do is walk into a participating florist and ask for the bouquet.
"FTD florists have celebrated FTD® Good Neighbor Day® since 1994, encouraging all neighbors to help create a friendlier, more caring and compassionate world through the gift of flowers. That's why customers are encouraged to keep one flower for themselves and give the others away — brightening the day of many other people."
Check out the list of participating florists. There is a limited amount of places that are participating. I am going to call our local florist the day of the event to check to see if they are participating even though they aren't on the list. Who knows, maybe they will still give me a bouquets.

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